Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Reverse Thoughts...反向思维

Be Contented by being Simple

Be Simple by being Contented

Try to search a new look from within!

Can't figure out!

Look at it up side down!

Sunday, October 14, 2007


忘了何时...该是去年的十二月份我们几个这么有特色的女生被撮在一起...南辕北辙的个性, 彼此相辅相成...悄悄的经过时间的洗礼...你们在我心目中产生了化学作用...占了重要的位置...

I can't recall when, i think it was last year December, 3 of us, has our own unique character been put together by God...it seem like a total contradiction but yet complement each other... as time past, you both have made a significant change of my life, a very important part indeed.

从相识到可以互吐心事和一起感动的好友...很多时候是妳直接了当的感性"表白"才知道妳重视着彼此的友谊... 也许是这样才觉得自己找到了在妳心中停留的位置... 好好的支持妳...你私底下调皮, 牙尖嘴利, 大胆言论, 还真为妳挂了冷汗... 为朋友妳是义气十足, 非常阔气, 却也多愁善感... 在人群中--中规中举, 沉默寡言... 蛮保留的... 也许这就是你的“角色抽离症”吧

对妳, 想说, 感谢妳的不保留...

Since we first met until todate we can pour our heart out to each other... many time is your direct expressiveness as to our friendship, i realised how you treat this friendship as an important one... is only through this i realised i found a role in your heart...is to support you. Between us, you are non other than being naughty, debatable, bold... sweat for the statements that you made... you are a faithful and loyal friend, generous, also sentimental...among others, you are moderate, quite at time...quite reserved..may be this your sign of "don't so committed" syndrome....

Veron, as for you, i would say, thank for your unreserved heart toward me. **又嘉**
在我们当中是蛮冷感的人, 很不屑的样子其实内心澎湃... 却无人知晓...从妳脸色变化和身体语言却可以带出讯息.. 是我们当中的哲学家和思想家... 像猫! 我行我素, 很王菲喔...虽然用不上热情这个字眼, 却不失可爱和真挚的性格... 多才多艺, 底调得很... 有幸尝到日式海绵芝士蛋糕和妳在我卡上的心血... 让我感动不已...执着, 并不顽固, 严肃和尖锐的“评语”虽然让人招架不住, 明白你的“苦心”的人, 才能感激,体谅你吧。。。

能感受你渐渐放下的戒心, 也期待着你放开心扉,带着笑容,坚强的面对许多的不平等和人性的脆弱。。。

Among us, you are some how "cold" as a person, may seem ignorant however can be sentimental... yet nobody will notice that quite side of u...from your facial expression and body language it still bring a lot of message... you are the phylosopher and a thinker among us... Like cat! independent, like faye wong! Though cannot relate you with the word "passionate", nevertheless some how you are cute and real... talented, yet shy away from people... I was privilege able to taste your Japanese Cotton Cheese cake and your affords on ur cards...that touched my heart, u are some how persistence, yet not stubborn; serious, at time critical can appear to be blunt, but to those who know where u come from. they will embrace u and understand u better...

As i feel ur security grow and become less defensive, i am looking forward u ve a open heart, to be cheerful, be courages to face up whatever unfairness and humanity weaknesses...

但愿你我三人之间是互相信任的, 努力和学习如何真正的爱彼此, "刀光剑影"的同时,能提升我们的灵修和巩固对神的认识, 只为活出真理,不义气用事。成长的过程难免有挣扎, 和不协调的时刻, 只希望我们能记得彼此存在的原因和保守着我们的信念。

I hope three of us able to build trust for each other, putting affords and learning how to love each other; even when confrontation or challenges come, we able to uphold our spirituality and strengthen our knowledge of God; live for the truth, not being sentimental. This process of growing, inevitably that comes with a time of struggles and not able to coordinate each other, the hope i ve for us, is to remembered the reason we all come into each other life is for a reason, to hold on and protect our faith.